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Are You Overwashing Your Face?

“How often should I wash my face?” Excellent question. Knowing how many times should you wash your face will steer you towards dewy, supple skin and away from dryness, breakouts, and irritation. Read on for the answer!

As a general rule, you should be washing your face twice a day - once in the morning and once at night.

Signs You Are Overwashing Your Face 

Most of us won’t ever need to wash our faces more than twice a day.

Over cleansing your skin strips it of the natural oils it needs to stay healthy, supple, and hydrated. Even if you have super oily skin or acne, you shouldn’t be cleansing more than twice a day. Doing so will only cause more of what you’re trying to avoid - a shiny face and breakouts.

Signs you are overwashing your face include:

The cleanser you use, rather than how often you wash your face, can also be a culprit for the symptoms of overwashing. Not washing your face more than twice a day but using a strong cleanser? This can also cause problems like dry, irritated, tight feeling skin or breakouts and increased oiliness.

Not All Cleansers Are Created Alike

Every cleanser or face wash shares the same basic purpose - to get your skin clean.

However, the ingredients they use to get the job done vary between formulations and some cleansers, particularly acne cleansers, use harsh ingredients.

These ingredients can damage your skin, especially if you’re washing your face twice a day, resulting in redness, dryness, sensitivity, and damage to the skin barrier.

The best choice for your face, no matter your skin type, is a gentle, creamy and hydrating cleanser like The Uncomplicated Cleanser.

The Uncomplicated Cleanser is formulated with plant-based ingredients to reduce moisture loss and dryness while cleansing skin to maintain the all-important oil/moisture balance. 

Why You Should Wash Your Face Twice a Day

There are a lot of opinions out there about exactly how often you should cleanse your face. For most skin types and concerns cleansing twice a day with a gentle cleanser is the best practice for a healthy, happy complexion.

Why wash your face in the morning?

You might feel a little squeamish at the thought, but your skin comes into contact with a lot of bacteria overnight. Bacteria in your hair, mouth, and bedding can all be transferred to your face while you’re sleeping.

Residue from your night time products, especially heavier products like masks and night creams, will also be sitting on your skin’s surface.

Cleansing in the morning removes bacteria and product build-up to give you a fresh face to apply your daytime skincare and makeup.

Why wash your face in the evening?

During the day all kinds of grime from the environment builds up on your skin, including pollution particles.

Add sweat, makeup, and your skin’s own oils and you’ve got a breakout-causing film covering your face by the end of the day!

Cleansing in the evening is crucial to remove this build-up and keep pores clear to avoid breakouts and congestion.

Washing your face also helps your night time products absorb more deeply into the skin, maximising their potency. It’s hard for products to do their best work if they have to get through a barrier of grime before they reach your skin.

Our range of gentle cleansers are designed to be used twice a day without stripping or damaging the skin. Click through to see the Uncomplicated Cleanser range.

Infographic_are you overwashing your face