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The Importance of Self-Care

#selfcaresunday. It’s all over our Instagram feeds and for good reason. Making self-care a priority allows us not just to function, but to flourish! Let’s look at why everyone needs a little more ‘me’ time in their lives and 13 ideas for easy self-care practices.

Why self-care is so important

Self-care is any activity you do to nurture your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Something that refuels or relaxes you.

The idea of self-care is simple but it can have a profound effect on improving your thoughts, moods, and your relationship with yourself and others.

It’s also very easy to overlook.

When life gets crazy self-care can slide to the bottom of your priority list but it’s those busy times when it’s most important to take time out for you.

self-care plan can dial down stress levels, boost your immune system, and help you feel better inside and out.

Prioritising self-care isn’t selfish. When we take care of our own emotional and physical wellbeing, we’re in a better place to take care of others too.

As the saying goes; you can’t pour from an empty cup.

When you think of #selfcaresunday, images of soaking in the tub with a glass of red and a magazine might spring to mind.

However, self-care isn’t just things like bubble baths and manicures.

You can practice internal self-care too, like not beating yourself up for a mistake, or forgiving yourself if you fail. It can also mean reaching out when you need help or to talk to someone instead of trying to handle something on your own.

Or it could be simply cutting yourself some slack on days where you didn’t get through as much as you planned.

Self-care and your skin

Stress can show up on your face in all kinds of ways, from dry, flaky skin to under-eye circles.

It can also trigger breakouts or cause existing skin issues like eczema and psoriasis to flare up.

Making time for self-care lowers stress levels meaning your skin will reap the benefits! Why not turn your daily skincare routine into a self-care practice? Instead of rushing through the motions, slow down and pay attention to each step.

Enjoy the texture and fragrance of the products and the way they feel on your skin.

Listening to relaxing music or burning an aromatic candle while you go through your skincare routine will also boost the indulgence factor.

Simple ideas to relax & recharge

Feeling like your best self shouldn’t be a luxury you save only for special occasions.

The best way to nurture your emotional and physical health consistently is to introduce small self-care activities into your daily and weekly schedule.

We’ve put together simple examples of self-care strategies to inspire your inner and outer nurturing!

  • Dial-in dinner

Give yourself a night off - order dinner in. Enjoy the time you’d usually spend cooking and cleaning by taking a bath or reading instead.

  • Sunday night facial

Nothing says self-care like a luxe DIY facial so spend Sunday night pampering your skin. Make it easy with esmi ‘Build Your Own’ At Home Facial Kit.

  • Gratitude journal

A gratitude journal is an easy way to focus on the positive things going on in your life. Write down 5 things you’re feeling happy about and grateful for right now.

  • Disconnect from social media

Take a break from the social noise and don’t check your accounts for a day.

  • Get your mask on

No time for a full DIY facial? Focus on a face mask instead. Choose one suited to your skin type and take 10 minutes out to sip a coffee or a glass of wine while it gets to work!

  • Buy yourself some flowers

A gorgeous vase of flowers is an instant mood lifter - a bright, fragrant way to give yourself a boost.

  • Declutter stuff

What does decluttering have to do with self-care? A cluttered home can induce stress and anxiety. Spending 15 minutes decluttering can bring a sense of tranquillity to the space.

  • Experiment with different makeup looks

Break out of a makeup rut with a little ‘me’ time spent trying different looks. YouTube tutorials are your best friend!

  • Embrace a tea ritual

A tea ritual is a great way to press pause, be present and step out of the daily chaos. Pay attention to the smell, the taste, and temperature. Tea is brimming with antioxidants too - a major health bonus.

  • Mini meditation

You don’t need to spend hours sitting cross legged on the floor to reap the benefits of meditation - just a few minutes a day is enough. Try the Headspace app.

  • Eat a mindful meal

When was the last time you sat down to eat a meal without multi-tasking, looking at a screen or any other distractions?

Mindful eating helps you appreciate food and flavours, prevents overeating and is a window of quiet time for yourself.

  • Cloud watching

Lie back and let yourself become hypnotised by those big, billowy clouds for 5 or 10 minutes.

  • Schedule a sleep in

When we get busy, sleep is often the first thing we give up which can have a detrimental effect on our mental and physical health - including your skin. Show yourself some love by planning a scheduled sleep in. No alarm in sight!

Make your own self-care plan

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, after all, self-care is about yourself!

Experiment and find your own individual self-care list of activities that refresh you then schedule activities from your list into your day, week and month.

It can be tempting to add to the millions of #selfcaresunday snaps on social media but put the phone down and forget about making self-care picture perfect. Just be present and soak up the moment. No filter required!

the importance of self-care